About Urban Mobility Partnership
The Urban Mobility Partnership (UMP) is a coalition committed to providing long-term leadership and near-term solutions to improve future urban mobility. Our innovative partnership represents the breadth of the urban mobility landscape.
We were founded to ensure that effective policy at a national, regional and local level, combined with new technology, supports better mobility and helps tackle the major challenges of congestion, air quality and climate change.
Senior Partners

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If you would like to find out more about becoming a partner of the Urban Mobility Partnership please do get in touch!
Becoming a partner
Associate Members

Cities with integrated, multi-modal transport policies that place the needs of the consumer at their heart by reducing congestion and improving air quality.
To represent all of the key transport modes in the debate around the future of urban mobility, including bus, rail, coach, tram, car and bike.
To provide a forum for the discussion and promotion of new policy ideas around urban mobility, including embracing the role of smart technology in the provision of mobility services that will improve air quality and consumers’ lives
Focus on policy
Mobility as a Service:
A Practical Guide
UMP has created a concise Mobility as a Service (MaaS) guide for public authorities and citizens. Through extensive collaboration within our membership, we’re eager to share our expertise with policymakers and public authorities. Our guide introduces MaaS, outlines local authorities’ diverse approaches to establishing sustainable MaaS ecosystems, and aligns with residents’ social, economic, and environmental goals, including net-zero ambitions.
Focus on case STUDIES
Stagecoach delivers modal shift through flexible bus tickets
Stagecoach introduces flexible bus tickets in response to changing travel habits during the pandemic and rising living costs. The new Flexi day tickets come in bundles of five or ten, usable within 12 months of purchase, offering up to 30% savings on regular fares. This benefits employees in hybrid work setups. Data indicates that 53% of people are using buses more due to Flexi tickets, reducing car trips and attracting new bus riders.
Policy Report
Transforming Corporate Travel and Commuting
Last year the Urban Mobility Partnership launched its policy paper on Transforming Corporate Travel and Commuting through a series of roundtables across the UK. The paper calls for businesses and public sector organisations to urgently reduce grey fleet usage in line with decarbonisation agendas and examines the problems of relying on personal private car usage for business travel, otherwise known as “grey fleet”, and offers key recommendations on how to reduce this and offer employees sustainable alternatives. UMP is committed to help develop mobility solutions which help these towns and cities transform how consumers travel.
Read our recommendations below.
Urban Mobility Partnership
Email: info@urbanmobilitypartnership.com
73–74 The Hop Exchange
24 Southwark Street