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UMP meets with Ben Bradley, Conservative mayoral candidate for East Midlands
On Tuesday, UMP members were delighted to meet with Ben Bradley MP in his capacity as the Conservative candidate for the East Midlands mayoral election. It was very encouraging to hear Ben talk about the need to develop public transport, active travel and shared...
Greenfleet: Re-thinking how we get around
Earlier this Summer, the Urban Mobility Partnership – a coalition of sustainable transport providers – hosted its inaugural summit in Birmingham, to discuss how to incentivise a modal shift towards public transport, micromobility and multi-modal options The Urban... An introduction to UMP
The Urban Mobility Partnership (UMP) is a coalition committed to providing long-term leadership and near-term solutions to improve future urban mobility. Our innovative partnership represents the breadth of the urban mobility landscape. We were founded to ensure that...
Greenfleet: Opening your eyes to other ways to travel
Carla Stockton-Jones, UK Managing Director of Stagecoach – co-founders of the Urban Mobility Partnership – discusses the challenge of enticing motorists out of their cars, and why the solution lies in partnership and a multi-modal approach When Stagecoach and...
Greenfleet: Practical guide to Mobility as a Service launched
The Urban Mobility Partnership (UMP) will be launching its practical guide to Mobility as a Service (MaaS) at a roundtable discussion in Birmingham on Wednesday 24 November. Decision makers and local authority representatives from across the UK will be coming together...
Fleet News: Greater Manchester introduces IMOVE MaaS pilot
Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) has introduced a new Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platform, powered by Fleetondemand’s Mobilleo app. The pilot project, named IMOVE, was established to create an integrated travel solution for the people of Manchester by...
Fleet News: Public sector ‘should ban’ grey fleet cars
The Urban Mobility Partnership is urging all 44 public bodies in Wales to ban the use of private cars for business purposes. Simply by using lease cars and ‘car clubs’ instead of the so-called ‘grey fleet’, Wales could reduce the amount of emissions from those...
Urban Mobility Partnership
73–74 The Hop Exchange
24 Southwark Street