Greenfleet : Le membre de l'UMP Liftango figure dans le numéro du 150e

December 15, 2023

Great to see Urban Mobility Partnership member Liftango in this month’s GREENFLEET, discussing how on-demand shared transport can help bridge the commuter transport gap to encourage climate-friendly, local and accessible carpool sharing initiatives.

CEO of Liftango, Kevin Orr, discussed Liftango’s recently launched ‘My Journey’ travel initiative, the UK’s largest B2B carshare network in the South of England. This sustainable travel initiative helps several local authorities use Liftango’s carpool platform to support some of the largest businesses in the Solent region to offer sustainable commuting for staff and students, using green fleet and sustainable transport option.

This initiative also supports behavioural change, with regular reports on the usage of carbon emissions, but also prizes to reward those who sign up and choose to make more sustainable transport decisions for commuting. This shows the importance of behavioural nudges and incentivisation in support of modal shift.

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